Assessing your performance when writing a dissertation.

We are all our own worse critics. This is especially true when assessing your own dissertation writing. Typically, before you submit your dissertation for evaluation you are going to want to look it over and self- assess it. By re-reading your own work and carefully considering your paper you will be able to make any amendments necessary to assure that it is accepted. This is also a good opportunity to reconsider your thesis and make adjustments if need may be. It is important that authors take the time to do this in order to assure that their paper flows nicely and presents accurate ideas. It will also help to give you an idea of whether or not your dissertation will be highly regarded by your peers.

Get Into The Head of The Reader

Before you change anything try to get into the head of the reader and re-read your own dissertation from their point of view. Imagine as if you have no idea what the dissertation is about and are looking at it for the very first time. Consider if all of the ideas being expressed are clear and concise. Is there any room for improvement? Could certain concepts be explained more plainly so that they are easy to understand?

Try to Judge Your Own Writing

In most cases a dissertation will be several chapters long. For this reason if you want to keep the readers interest you are also going to have to figure out a way to keep the reader amused. It is a good idea to introduce some sort of narrative structure so that the dissertation flows nicely and is enjoyable to follow along with. When you are assessing your own writing consider this aspect and attempt to judge whether or not you have successfully done this. It is not a good sign if you find your self getting lost while reading your own paper. You want to make sure that the document makes sense and can keep a reader’s attention.

Make Changes if Needed

The good this about self-evaluating your own dissertation is that it is not too late to make changes if the need does arise. For this reason do not leave self-assessing to the last minute, make sure you still have time to make a few adjustments.